Kamis, Agustus 20, 2009

Chuck The Revolver, A Hired Killer


Postingan kali ini ngapain ya ? Well.. mungkin gue mau bercerita tentang si babi lagi aja.

Kenapa harus si babi ?? ya adanya cuma dia, mungkin kalo ga ada dia cerita ini ga akan muncul ke dunia perblogan sedunia. (udah.. seneng lu bi ??)

Jadi gini, awal kita kenal.. Kebetulan waktu itu babi lagi ada tugas buat bikin cerpen gitu. Katanya tugas Creative Writing.. Dan dia SMS gue buat minta pendapat..

Babi : Kang.. (waktu itu dia masih manggil gue akang) aku ada tugas bikin cerpen nih.
Gue : Ya udah to bikin.. Emang mau bikin tentang apa ? tentuin temanya dulu.
Babi : Hmm.. ya mungkin tentang cinta"an gitu kang. Kan anak muda banget.
Gue : Hosyoh.. Ga ada yang lain ?? cari yang lain ah ! aku ga suka tema itu.. (songong ga gue)
Babi : Iya coba tak pikir dulu lagi..

Beberapa menit kemudian..

Babi : Kang !! aku ada ide.. Aku mau bikin cerita tentang kamu aja !
Gue : Hoh ? mau bikin biografiku tapi versi cerpen gitu ??
Babi : Bukan dodol ! Itu loh, tentang Chuck The Revolver.. Ntar judule Chuck The Revolver , A Hired Killer..
Gue : Oke oke.. ya udah kamu bikin ntar aku liat ya..
Babi : Siap.. Tapi kang.. Besok bantuin buat covernya ya ?
Gue : Iya deh..

Buset.. Ni tugas bener" bikin gue pusing 7 pintu. Mulai dari design, ngeprint gambarnya, print naskah.. Gue ikut ribet. Tapi beberapa hari setelah deadline cerpen jadi, babi sms gue.


well, kesimpulan..
Otak 2 orang geblek kalo di gabungin bisa dapet A juga ya ?? hehehe

then, covernya cerpennya si babi kayak gini :

Ini cover 1st edition, jadi judulnya salah. hehehe

Iya deh.. gue akuin masih kacau. tapi yang gue heran babi juga bilang gini..
Babi : Kata dosenku kang.. "Hemm.. bagus. Temanya menarik. Trus ini, covernya juga.. profesional !"

hwakakakakak. profesional dari bogor ??

trus ini naskah cerpennya babi.. tolong di baca biar babi seneng..
kasian tu anak dari kecil ga pernah makan. hehehe

Chuck The Revolver: A Hired Killer

Chuck entered the room. An about 40 years man who sat behind the table surprised and cried.
Chuck released his shot. The sound of the opened fire made a croud.
Alarm was ringing. Policemen came. They tried to find the killer. However, Chuck had left that building immediately.
An hour later, in a luxurious hotel, Chuck met his client. That man blowed a big smile when he saw Chuck entered his room.

“So…. Your mission accomplished, isn’t it ?” said that man happily.
“Absolutely,” answered Chuck short.
“Hahahaha..!!! I love your worked Chuck,” that man gave Chuck a small paper, “This is for you.”
Chuck smiled when he took the cheque.
“Next time I’ll call you if I need your help,” added that man.
“With pleasure,” Chuck nodded.
Without said goodbye, Chuck left the hotel.

Chuck woke up with gasped breath. A same nightmare haunted him everynight. He saw he had killed by himself in the nightmare.
He saw the watch. It was 11am. He opened his drawer looked for cash, his eyes fallen into a picture. The only thing that he had got when he left orphanage. That picture showed two identic twin babies. Chuck knew that one of the baby was him.
That day the sun hid behind the clouds. Chuck went out to got breakfast in restaurant. He wore jacket and the shadow of his hat covered his face. Chuck never let anyone saw his face.
“Cheese cake, sandwich and coffee,” said the waitress. She knew Chuck’s order before he said any word. He always ordered the same food every morning. Chuck gave a agreed smile.
Chuck preferred to eat in his apartment. Chuck left the restaurant while it was raining. He annoyed by the weather. Sometimes felt hot, sometimes rained. When he tried to run break through the run, someone called him and drew his jacket.

Chuck turned his head and saw a little girl smiled to him. She is about 10 years old.
“You could share this umbrella with me,” the little girl smiled. “You live in Boobies Apartment, right ?”
Chuck nodded. They started to walk in the rainy side-walk. Chuck held the umbrella and tried to get close to the little girl.
“What’s your name Sir ?” asked the little girl.
“Charles,” answered Chuck.
The little girl smiled, “I always noticed you when you are buying breakfast in restaurant.” The girl saw Chuck gently, made he felt something strange. “Don’t you know Sir ? I’m sure you and my father are pretty much alike. If you are not wear your hat, I think you and my father are twin.” Chuck said nothing.
They stopped in front of Chuck apartment.
“Don’t worry Sir. My house are not far from here. See you Sir,” the little girl said goodbye.
When the little girl walked again, Chuck shouted, “Wait.” The girl stopped and smiled.
“What’s your name ?” asked Chuck.
“I’m Jill,” answered her clearly.

Chuck sat in front of the note-book. He read new message he had received.
Sender : Jack
Subject : Mission
Message :
Dragon Brown
31st Lulabies Strett
$ 1,000,000
Chuck smiled. Very good hired. Jack was a good client even he was a sly entrepreneur. Dragon Brown was the governor of that city. Dragon often disturb Jack business, it made Jack had a big vengeance to Dragon. On the other hand, Dragon was not a good politician. He had relationship with gangsters.
Chuck answered the e-mail.
To : Jack
Subject : -
Message :
Chuck realized that that was a difficult mission. He choosed his best revolver. This night had to be perfect.

The mission time was came. Chuck went out from his apartment secretly, so no one could saw him. Lulabies Strett was not far from Chuck house.
The governor house was looked like ordinary house. There was not extra secured. It was benefited to Chuck. He crawled to the main house. Broke some key.
Inside the house, Chuck looked around to find the governor room. He found a dim light from a room. Chuck sure that governor was in that room.
Chuck opened the door. He saw a man stood in that room. He was Dragon. When realized Chuck came, Dragon shocked. He tried to find a gun in his drawer but it was to late, Chuck had been faced him the revolver.

However, Dragon could turned on the bright light. They looked face to face. Chuck could not believed his own eyes. The man who stood in front of him was exactly same. Chuck remembered his old picture. The twin babies. Was he his twin brother ?
Dragon smiled, looked to Chuck very confident. Chuck started to wonder.
“Finally, I meet you my twin brother,” Dragon laughed loudly. “I think I will never find you, but now, you stand in my room, my house, our house.”
Chuck shocked to hear the fact that Dragon was his twin brother. He did not like Dragon. Dragon looked like as his bad version of his personal. Dragon had no mercy. He looked very cruel.
“You are not my brother,” said Chuck.
Dragon blowed big laugh, “Hahaha…. You don’t believe this fact,” Dragon drawed Chuck to a big mirror. Dragon putted his arm in Chuck shoulder. “Can’t you see? There are no differences between us.”

Chuck throwed Dragon’s arm away. “I don’t like you. We are not the same,” exclaimed Chuck.
“You don’t like me ? Why ?” asked Dragon persuaded.
“You are the bad man. You are cruel,” said Chuck.
Dragon gave a sneering smile, “How about you ? Don’t you think that you are a bad man, aren’t you ? You are a hired killer right ?”
Chuck freezed, “How do you know ?”
“I know all about you Chuck. Anything. Your life in orphanage, your job, where you live. Hah… I asked Jack to send you e-mail to be here.”
Chuck shocked, “How….”
“Now, I asked you to life with me here,” Dragon continued, “O yeah. I have a daughter. Maybe you had met her in restaurant,” Dragon showed Chuck a picture, a girl, the same girl who he had met in the restaurant, the little girl who asked Chuck to share umbrella with him.
“A sweet girl. Unfortunately my wife had died,” said Dragon with no pain.
“I don’t believe you,” said Chuck.
“Whatever you said Chuck,” Chuck did not realized that dragon had took a gun and then he faced the gun to Chuck, “I’ll kill you. I hate being know that someone outside totally same with me. We were born as a cruel man. We will attack each other,” Dragon silent for a while, “If you are dead, I would be the one.”
A missile had released. Someone dead. A little girl entered the room.

“What’s happened here Dad, your room is so noisy,” asked the girl.
“Nothing Jill. I’m just turned on the radio too loud. Why you’re not sleeping ?” he held Jill and picked her to her room.
“Would you like to sleep here Dad ? I’ve just get a nightmare. I’m afraid to sleep alone.”
“Of course.”
About ten minutes Jill had been sleep. The man kissed her forehead and whispered, “Unfortunately, I’m not your father, I’m your uncle.”

Si Babi.. (Semarang, 10 November 2008)

hehehe.. bagus kan ??

Oh ya.. kalo pada ga tau, Chuck The Revolver tu nickname gue di Facebook ato dulu di Friendster..

Jadi, mulailah membuat nickname yang inspiratip.. hehehee

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